Bail and Bonds

Typically when someone gets arrested, the first thing they want to know is when they will get out of jail. Now, this depends on whether or not the judge will grant or deny bail. Judges will consider the following factors when they are deciding: Is the defendant at a risk of fleeing? Does the defendant…
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Ohio Criminal Process
When someone gets arrested for a crime, what happens? First, law enforcement officers will take the alleged offender to the police station, where they will be fingerprinted, photographed, and will need to provide personal information such as name and date of birth. If they have any personal effects on them, like wallets, purses, rings, and…
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Prescription Drugs & OVI Charges
In Ohio, driving under the influence is defined as “the operation of any vehicle… when under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse…or any combination of the two”. Meaning, you can get an OVI charge for using prescription drugs and driving. Prescription drugs are managed under the same laws and drug schedules as recreational…
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Property Crime Defense

Getting charged with a property crime in Ohio can carry some serious consequences. Property crimes are defined by a wide variety of offenses, from misdemeanors to felonies. Here’s some of the most common ones we come across: Arson Knowingly setting fire to, or causing an explosion to property. This could be your own property with…
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How to Not Get Arrested This Summer
The dog days of April – something about the warm, long days seems to make people feel a little looser. Late summer activities bring a lot of fun, and many of them are completely harmless. However, there are a few that are dangerous, especially if the heat is making you feel a little careless. Review the…
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What To Do If Your Teen Is Arrested for Pot Possession
Did you know that 54% of Americans have said that they smoke pot and that they’re parents? If you fit in this statistic, you may not be surprised that your teen smoked pot, but are probably a bit disappointed that they didn’t tell you, and are also stressed out over the arrest. An arrest is…
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What to Do if You’re Pulled Over for Suspicion of OVI/DUI
There’s no sugarcoating it: If an officer in Ohio pulls you over because they suspect you’re under the influenWhat to Do if You’re Pulled Over for Suspicion of OVI/DUIce, it is likely you’ll be arrested. However, you can reduce the consequences significantly by what you do and don’t do. First, don’t panic. This may be…
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Firearm Charges
Most gun owners, by and large, are responsible gun owners. However, you may be committing a misdemeanor or felony weapons offense without even realizing it. Some of the most common firearm and weapon charges in Columbus are: -Carrying concealed weapons -Unlawful possession of a dangerous ordnance -Unlawful transaction in weapons -Improper discharge of a firearm…
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Marijuana Charges in Columbus Ohio
The use of marijuana is not a new concept. Humans have consumed it in some form or another for over five millennia, and nearly half of the population of the United States has tried it. While other states have legalized or decriminalized marijuana, it remains illegal under Ohio state law. Possession, manufacturing, cultivation, distribution, and…
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