Drug Possession Incarcerations in the U.S.
Drug Possession Incarcerations in the U.S. More than a quarter of the nation’s arrests, 26% to be exact, are related to drug offenses. Criminal defense attorneys across the United States are tasked with representing their clients as they face drug possession charges, as well as other violations, and defend their clients against ever-evolving laws. It’s…
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A Kid’s Guide to Crime Prevention in Their Community
A Kid’s Guide to Crime Prevention in Their Community Whether you are playing in your neighborhood, sitting at home, learning in school, or surfing the Internet, understanding how to stay safe is incredibly important. It can mean the difference between a boring normal day and a terrible day, because there is a lot that can…
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A Teen’s Guide to Drug and Alcohol Safety
A Teen’s Guide to Drug and Alcohol Safety Teens experimenting with drugs and alcohol is all too common, but the potentially devastating effects of these behaviors shouldn’t be underestimated. Once you learn about the dangers of drinking and doing drugs, it should be easier to see why you should avoid them. What Is Alcohol Abuse?…
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Facts and Stats on DUI in America
Facts and Stats on DUI in America DUI is an abbreviation for “driving under the influence.” Driving under the influence is the act of drinking while either drunk or under the influence of a controlled substance. A DUI is a serious crime because it can result in the death or injury of the perpetrator or…
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The Dangers of Binge Drinking
The Dangers of Binge Drinking Drinking alcohol is a popular activity, and many people like to do it to relax and have fun. Those who drink legally, carefully, and in moderation shouldn’t have any problems with alcohol. However, there are many people who misuse alcohol, with potentially dangerous consequences. Binge drinking, or drinking heavily in…
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Ohio’s Astronaut: John Glenn
Ohio’s Astronaut: John Glen John Herschel Glenn Jr. was a decorated military war veteran, a pilot, a famous astronaut, and a United States senator. Glenn is known best for his flight on Friendship 7, when he orbited Earth three times. From childhood, Glenn was interested in flying, and he was also interested in science. Glenn…
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History in Ohio: Birthplace of Neil Armstrong
History in Ohio: Birthplace of Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong was an astronaut who commanded Apollo 11, the first spacecraft with a human crew to land on the moon. Armstrong was also the first person to leave the spacecraft and set foot on the moon. Armstrong was born on Aug. 5, 1930, in Ohio. From an…
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Judicial Elections Matter. Who Are You Voting For?
With this year’s presidential election being in the spotlight, it’s important to understand that judicial elections equally matter. In fact, I would suggest that judicial elections may be more impactful on your daily life than the national elections. Your President, Governor, or congressman cannot put you in jail, take away your children or order you…
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Bail and Bonds
Typically when someone gets arrested, the first thing they want to know is when they will get out of jail. Now, this depends on whether or not the judge will grant or deny bail. Judges will consider the following factors when they are deciding: Is the defendant at a risk of fleeing? Does the defendant…
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Can You Really Open a Fire Hydrant To Cool Off?
It’s an iconic scene from movies and pictures: Running through the spray of a fire hydrant on a hot day. Unfortunately, this isn’t a real-life scenario most of the time. While some cities (including our own city of Columbus) have periodically opened fire hydrants during particularly hot months, it’s just as illegal to open one…
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